CBMT Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility:

Safeguarding vulnerable adults is a part of the wider role of safeguarding and promoting welfare.   This refers to the activity which is undertaken to protect adults in vulnerable circumstances who may be at risk of abuse or neglect. As art therapists, professionals, or volunteers, everyone has a responsibility to safeguard vulnerable adults and promote their welfare.

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of vulnerable adults – and in particular protecting them from significant harm - depends upon effective joint working between agencies and professionals that have different roles and expertise.

Some of the most vulnerable adults and those at greatest risk of social exclusion, will need co-ordinated help from health, education, social care, and quite possibly the voluntary sector and other agencies, including justice services.

For those vulnerable adults who are suffering, or at risk of suffering significant harm, joint working is essential, to safeguard and promote their welfare and – where necessary – to help bring to justice the perpetrators of crimes against them.   All agencies and professionals should:

  • be alert to potential indicators of abuse or neglect;

  • be alert to the risks which individual abusers, or potential abusers, may pose to vulnerable adults;

  • share and help to analyse information so that an assessment can be made of the individual's needs and circumstances;

  • contribute to whatever actions are needed to safeguard and promote the individual's welfare;

  • take part in regularly reviewing the outcomes for the individual against specific plans; and

  • work co-operatively with parents and/or other carers unless this is inconsistent with ensuring the individual's safety.

As one of its major activities, the Corinne Burton Memorial Trust seeks to serve the needs of vulnerable adults who are receiving therapeutic assistance through art therapy. In doing so the charity takes seriously the welfare of all vulnerable adults who are involved in its activities.

Currently, all art therapists funded by the Corinne Burton Memorial Trust are employed directly by the NHS or other employers who maintain their own safeguarding policies including mandatory safeguarding adults training. The Trust emphasises the need to prevent the neglect, physical, sexual or emotional abuse of vulnerable adults and to report any abuse discovered or suspected. In addition, any art therapist placed by CBMT is expected to adhere to the professional regulatory requirements of the HCPC (Health and Care Professions Council).

The charity recognises the importance of maintaining and regularly reviewing procedures, which are designed to prevent and to be alert to such abuse.

The charity is committed to supporting, resourcing and training any staff or volunteers who work with vulnerable adults.